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New Year, New Rules!

Happy New Year, Warriors!

Whether you’re representing yourself or are represented by your warrior, it’s important that you always review the updates rules of court. If you aren’t aware of this, there are two sets of rules of court. One is the California Rules of Court (CRC) and the other is the Local Rules of Court. This article focuses on the changes to the CRC as of January 2025. 

The website to an update for the CRC is the following:

Read more …New Year, New Rules!

10 Step Guide To Navigating Child Custody Issues During Quarantine (Coronavirus / COVID-19)

In San Diego County, effective March 17, 2020, the Superior Court has been closed to the public. The coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic has caused havoc in the majority of households, especially for separated parents. Irrespective of whether you have a Court order or not, the overall welfare of your child is each parent's top priority. We are living in an unprecedented time. We are taking directions from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The San Diego County and California Public Health Official has adopted the CDC directions.

However, what happens when the other parent is not exactly following the CDC directions?

Read more …10 Step Guide To Navigating Child Custody Issues During Quarantine (Coronavirus / COVID-19)

Covid-19 Effects On Non-Emergency Communications With The Ex

It's hard to keep up with the texts, the calls, the emails, the voicemails, the messages through social media from your ex. It's is time to use a communication tool, such as Talking Parents, for free.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Effects On Spousal Support Orders

There is A LOT of information out there. A LOT of wrong information. If you are concerned that you're unable to meet your spousal support obligation, then we have a solution for YOU!

You're Mistaken

"We live in Del Mar, but I am filing for divorce in Spain because that is where we got married." This is a common thought: needing to file for divorce in the same place one married. 

That would make sense except what if you haven't lived there in years? No property. No bank accounts. No insurance policies. No club memberships. Nothing. You might go visit friends and family there once in a while though. 
As we know, a divorce cannot be finalized overnight, especially if the property and or support issues are contested. If it is a contested divorce, then court appearances are likely required by you unless you have a competent attorney in that county. It would be great expense to make continuous overnight trips to attend hearings for your contested divorce. For these reasons, it does not make sense to file for divorce in the county you married. 
However, what if the county you were married in has better divorce laws that result in your favor than your spouse? It makes the continuous overnight trips to attend hearings for your contested divorce worth it, right?

Read more …You're Mistaken